Friday 31 July 2015

A Happy Birthday In Deed!

I just celebrated my birthday.😍

But what is it about birthdays that make us gather around a cake, blow some candles, and make a wish once a year? Is it tradition? A celebration? Self- congratulation? Or it's because birthdays are always the best reason to have a party?😎

When I was in high school, I overheard a dear aunt greet another a happy birthday. The celebrant joked that, on that day, she was "one year to closer to her grave". She must have felt that she had lived a full life to even joke about it. πŸ˜†

Yes, to some, birthdays seem to be a milestone of sorts, that it's a big achievement to have survived another 365 days since the previous celebration. Although I think it's wonderful to have lived longer, birthdays are actually just a measurement of one's biological existence. 

For me, what should define our lives are the deeds that we do, the events that we cause to happen, and the memories of us that will stay even after we have passed. It should be a life of meaning and purpose, and not only a life of money and parties.😊

Years ago, I interviewed the big boss of our firm before she retired and asked her on how she would like to be remembered. She paused for an answer, probably not expecting such a question. She told me that she would like to be remembered as having made a difference in other people's lives. 

So if I ask you now the same question, how would you answer?

Most answers people always come up with are more like wishes - their wish based on what they think they have done and how people are thinking about what they have done. But the real question should be: how will people actually remember you? πŸ˜‚

If in this lifetime, people talk nicely about you behind your back, then you're fine. But if you have become a fodder for gossip, good luck! You have your remaining life to correct that reputation.πŸ˜„

So, aside from the traditional cakes and candles, why don't we celebrate our existence with good deeds that will eventually define us. And in case you fail today, you can always make up for in the next 364 days.

Happy birthday to me.😊

And to all of us. πŸ‘ͺ

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