Friday, 28 February 2025

Chicken Biryani, White Pasta, and The Freshest Ingredients @ Missy's Restaurant Herbs and Spices

(A weekend scene at the bulantihan in Victorias City)

In my Dongdaemun neighborhood in Seoul, I was lucky that the biggest fruit and vegetable market in northern Seoul was just five minutes from my apartment building. 

I always felt like a tourist when I walked around its interesting alleys. Not only could I buy the cheapest strawberries and bananas, which I turned into smoothies, their watermelons were sweet and seedless, too! How I always wanted to buy two watermelons every time but they were heavy! (Read blog here)

I had to share my discoveries with my friends, so I toured them around the market and my neighborhood , and they shopped and enjoyed themselves as well. (Read blog here)

And in my hometown of Victorias City, we also have a bulantihan, our own traditional market where you can find the cheapest variety of produce. This is where I usually go to buy papayas, bananas, and other fruits and vegetables (read blog here)

It is always full of people during weekends when the vendors bring in produce from the north and south of the Negros island. This is why I patronize these vendors: to support the local farmers. This is what the Slow Food Movement also believes -- that food should be grown and bought locally (read blog here)

And all these years of going to the bulantihan, I was able to write my story in an essay that won at the 2022 Doreen Gamboa Fernandez Food Writing Awards (read blog here)

On Fermin Street in Barangay 5 of Victorias City, Negros Occidental, we found a restaurant where the owner uses ingredients that she grows herself.

One day, an hour before noon, we ventured into that part of the town to try the dishes of Missy's Restaurant Herbs and Spices whose menu includes Middle Eastern cuisine, pastas, fresh fruit juices, and vegetable dishes, and where ingredients used are grown at a farm in the highlands of Victorias City.

We tried her chicken biryani and white pasta, which were perfect to satisfy the curiosity of her customers -- curious as to what makes Missy's Restaurant Herbs and Spices unique and what sets it apart from other restaurants in Victorias City.

I, being a pasta-person, ordered White Pasta which was al dente and creamy, and herbs used were organic. I paired it with Purple Lemonade made from blue ternate and sweetened with pure honey from the highlands of Gawahon of Victorias City. 

Other than the White Pasta and Chicken Biryani, we also enjoyed the Fresh Vegetable with Croutons.😍

And to prove to the customers that Missy indeed grows her own herbs and spices, pots of young herbs sat on the tables, not only as displays, but could be picked and chewed on by curious customers like we did.

On our table was a pot of stevia rebaudiana, or commonly called stevia. It's also called candyleaf, sugarleaf, or sweetleaf's sweet! It was my first time to chew on this leaf and was surprised it was indeed sweet!

                          (Purple Lemonade)

(The pot of stevia plant on our table)

A menu of healthy, yummy food and a variety of homegrown, organic herbs and spices -- these make Missy's Restaurant Herbs and Spices unique and a must-visit restaurant. For me, it's a must-return!😎

                                  * * * * *

This is the Facebook page of Missy's Restaurant Herbs and Spices:

#missystable #restaurant #middleeasternmenu #slowfood #slowfoodnegros #foodwriter

Monday, 24 February 2025

Victorias Milling Company History: Don Carlos L. Locsin, Doña Salud Montinola and Company

These two black-and-white photographs did not have any date or annotation. After examining, I realized that what was written at the back were the initials of the important people in the photographs: CMC, CLL, SM, MM, and DG. Opposite their initials was "1", which means the number of copies given to the people in the photograph.

After looking for answers, I was able to identify them:

CMC is Cornelio M. Consing

CLL is Carlos L. Locsin

SM is Salud Montinola

MM is Manuel Mendez

DG is Daniel Gustilo

The location was the golf club house of the Victorias Milling Company (VMC), and although there was no date, I assume this was in the 1960s.

Don Carlos L. Locsin was the chairman emeritus of VMC, while Mr. Mendez was its president.

The other three, Doña Salud Montinola, Mr. Consing, and Mr. Gustilo were hacienderos, who milled their sugarcane with VMC, which was the biggest sugar central at that time. (Read VMC history here). 

Doña Salud Montinola, who was the one managing the haciendas of her family, gained the respect of the sugar industry because Hacienda Dapdap, one of their haciendas, was named was one of the best producing haciendas in Negros island. (Read Chapter 24 here).

It would have been easy for me to conclude that this was a big business meeting. After all, the attendees were VMC officials and planters. But after examining the photograph where you could see Don Carlos and Doña Salud standing, at the end, you can see nuns seated at the table. I wondered if they were the Maryknoll Sisters who were managing Saint Joseph's Hospital in Manapla, and this was a meeting about the Hospital, or, if you can conclude further, the five were members of the board of trustees of the Hospital.

And if they were members of the board, why does it look like Doña Salud had an important role? She was a pharmacist, a graduate of the University of Santo Tomas in 1920, and was the 'Presidente de Centro de Puericultura de Victorias' in 1930. Yes, she was the president of the puericulture center of Victorias.

If indeed they were members of the board of trustees, it would have been interesting to listen to them as they discussed and made decisions that would affect the lives and welfare of the doctors, nurses, and the workers of the Hospital, and of course, of the patients as well.

As I have always said that black-and-white photographs tell the most colorful of stories as long as you know where and how to dig for those stories.

By the way, in 1931, it was Don Carlos L. Locsin who initiated the organization of the Philippine Association of Sugar Technologies in Bacolod and was elected its first ever president. This association was the forerunner of the Philippine Sugar Technologies Association of PHILSUTECH. An award was named in his honor; the award is given to a person who has outstanding contribution to the sugar industry.😋 

#VMC #victoriasmillingcompany #victoriaslgu #VictoriasCity #NegrosOcc #Philippines #history #historymatters #historian #sugar #sugarindustry #MaryKnoll #MaryknollSisters #PHILSUTECH