Sunday 3 May 2020

Sancta Maria, Ora Pro Nobis Peccatoribus: Procession of Our Lady of Victory

That is the line in the prayer Ave Maria or Hail Mary that speaks of absolute desperation, begging the Mother of God for an intercession. 

Ave Maria, gratia plena

The Latin words "Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis peccatoribus" translate to "Holy Mary, pray for us sinners...", and these are the words that hold the main intention of the prayer - the same words recited throughout one solemn procession held on April 26, 2020.

On that day, the Our Lady of Victory Parish  celebrated the Feast of the Nuestra Señora de Las Victorias in Victorias City, Diocese of Bacolod, Philippines, with a somber procession throughout the small city.

 Dominus tecum, benedicta tu in mulieribus

At the break of the dawn of her Feast that fittingly fell on a Sunday, the image of the Virgin was carried on a carroza pulled by the parish lay ministers and accompanied only by Rev. Fr. Rafael Baja, parish priest, and Rev. Fr. Vince Camarines, parochial vicar, in compliance with the government's policies on enhanced community quarantine and social distancing.

Throughout the procession, the 'Ave Maria', appropriately sung by a woman, was played as a prayer for Our Lady's intercession in this very difficult time of the corona virus pandemic.

     Et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus

Days before the procession, the parishioners were advised that no one was allowed to join the procession. Instead, they were asked to light candles by their windows, doorsteps, and gates where the procession would pass.

And on that cloudy morning, early in the procession, sprinkles of rain came down from the heavens as if to mirror the tears that fell from the eyes of those who witnessed the procession and realized that the the Mother of God has always been there for them, not only in times of prosperity and joy, but especially in their hour of pain and suffering.

             Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, 
ora pro nobis peccatoribus

My mother, who watched the procession from a balcony and accompanied by a lighted, red candle, could not hold back tears at the sight of the Virgin passing, ushered with Ave Maria, a song she knew very well.

The procession followed the traditional path of the 14 Stations of the Cross for the Good Friday passage, and when it reached the highly residential side of the town, the atmosphere became more somber as more sad faces greeted the Virgin's image with tears. Even the elderly, who were supposed to be on quarantine, were on the streets, defying manmade commands just to see and seek the divine.

             Nunc, et in hora mortis nostrea

As the procession passed the gates of the prison compound, it paused for a while to enable the inmates, who could be seen from behind the locked gates craning their necks and grasping the cold steel bars that held them back, to get a glimpse of the Virgin and to be able to hear a few words of the Ave Maria from where they were. 

They, too, needed to see and feel Her presence because, no matter what misdeeds they have done and no matter how low society has judged them, they are also God's children and are the ones who needed Her help the most.

And even though the solemn procession has ended and Her feast day has passed, praying for our Mother's intercession should continue..."now and at the hour of death". 


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